List multiple products and profiles

Till enables users to create multiple products and profiles. In doing so, it makes sure your school can accept payments for various services, such as school dinners or trips, from each device.

A multi-purpose payment platform

Over the course of the year, your school collects payments for all kinds of items and services. Most payment platforms don’t have the flexibility to cope.

From processing payments for school dinners to accepting donations at the Christmas fair, Till is on hand to make every transaction hassle-free.

Centralised payment points

Most existing software means each point of sale only takes payments for certain products. This results in frustration as impatient parents are made to wait.

With Till, you can accept payments for a variety of products at any point of sale, making for smoother transactions for parents and your school.

How Pebble can help

Specialising in school income management, we design and develop cloud-based software engineered to improve the way schools, trusts, higher education, and local authorities manage their money.

Till gives education providers the ability to accept payments for various products through any device.

The tools you need to manage your school income end to end

We’ve created a set of tools that empowers you to manage your financial transactions linked to staff, parents, and pupils from point of sale through to end-of-year reporting.

Ready to get started? Ready to get started?

Ready to get started?

Take the first step on your journey to having a seamlessly integrated finance and payment management system.

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